HCM City contest seeks innovative solutions for public administration

May 23, 2024 - 19:48
HCM City’s Department of Science and Technology on May 23 launched the Sài Gòn Govtech Challenge contest to find innovative solutions to improving the management of the government sector.
The Public Administrative Centre of Thủ Đức city in HCM City. — VNA/VNS Photo Hoàng Tuyết

HCM CITY — HCM City’s Department of Science and Technology on May 23 launched the Sài Gòn Govtech Challenge contest to find innovative solutions to improving the management of the government sector.

The contest's objective is to find models and solutions that use technology and digital transformation for managing the activities of government entities.

Individuals, groups and businesses with innovative solutions and models can take part.

Selected models and solutions will receive financial and incubation support.

Nguyễn Việt Dũng, director of the department, said the contest is not about what technology to use but how to solve specific problems faced by departments and localities.

“This is an opportunity for businesses that already have technology solutions, but have not found a market.”

The department will enable the practical application of winning solutions.

The evaluation criteria include high practical applicability, creativity, economic efficiency, and likely social impact.

The jury will comprise technology experts, and the contest will involve four rounds.

In the preliminary round, the candidates will get training in presentation skills to introduce their products and solutions to the jury.

Those that pass the preliminary round will go to the competition round and make a presentation to qualify for the incubation round.

In the incubation round, they can win cash prizes worth up to VNĐ80 million (US$3,395).

They will be trained, advised and assisted to connect with government agencies to understand their needs and perfect their solutions and models.

In the Demo Day round, the top 10 projects will be introduced to authorities for practical implementation.

Online registration is open until June 15 at govstar.dosthcmc@gmail.com . — VNS
