Party chief Trọng entrusts naval force with defence of homeland

May 06, 2016 - 09:00

Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng has expressed his confidence in the political stuff and fighting spirit of officers and soldiers of the Việt Nam People’s Navy (VPN) and units based in the Naval Zone 4 in particular.

Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng (central) meets with officers and soldiers of the Naval Zone 4 High Command in Cam Ranh, the central province of Khánh Hòa yesterday. VNA/VNS Photo Trí Dũng
Viet Nam News

KHÁNH HÒA – Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng has expressed his confidence in the political stuff and fighting spirit of officers and soldiers of the Việt Nam People’s Navy (VPN) and units based in the Naval Zone 4 in particular.
At a meeting with officers and soldiers of the Naval Zone 4 High Command in Cam Ranh, the central province of Khánh Hòa yesterday, the Party chief highlighted the Việt Nam People’s Army (VPA)’s resolve to protect the nation, peace and people’s wealthy and happy lives.
He, therefore, underlined the need to increase the Party’s all-round leadership and the State’s concentrated management over the army, and tighten links between the army and people.
The leader urged the VPN to thoroughly grasp the Party’s guidelines and viewpoints as well as the State’s policies and laws on national defence, especially the Resolution of the 11th Party Central Committee’s 8th plenum on the national protection strategy in the new situation.
The naval force should take the initiative in co-ordinating with Party committees at all levels and local authorities to strengthen community-based national defence, he said.
The Party, State and people always pay special heed to building the army in general and the people’s navy in particular, the Party chief said, noting his belief that the VPN will carry forward the traditions of the Party, the VPA and the nation to achieve more feats of arms and contribute more to national construction and defence.
Meeting online with the army and people in the province’s Trường Sa Island District, Party General Secretary Trọng praised their efforts in production and national protection.
The Party, people and army in the mainland always turn their heart towards Trường Sa, he affirmed, calling on the district to devise a long-term strategy on economic development and national defence. — VNS

