Newly elected Party leader Tô Lâm chairs press conference

August 03, 2024 - 13:32
Party General Secretary and President Tô Lâm affirmed that in the future, the efforts to build and rectify the Party, and the fight against corruption and negativity will continue to be vigorously implemented with the same goals, viewpoints, methods and solutions as before.
Party General Secretary and President Tô Lâm speaks at the press conference on Saturday morning. VNA/VNS Photo Lâm Khánh

HÀ NỘI Party General Secretary and President Tô Lâm organised a press conference immediately after he was elected by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Việt Nam on Saturday morning.

Lâm said that it is both an honour and a glorious responsibility to be elected as Party General Secretary.

In his speech, he also paid homage to the late General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng, who passed away on July 19. Lâm said Trọng was an exceptionally outstanding leader, a steadfast communist party member with great prestige within the Party, State, and People – embodies the qualities, talents, bravery and intelligence of the Vietnamese leadership generation during the Đổi Mới (Renewal) period.

According to the new Party leader, given the urgent and regular requirements and tasks of the Party and State in building and developing the country and caring for the lives of the people, the Politburo and the Central Committee have decided to consolidate the leadership positions of the Party and State, starting with the position of General Secretary of the Party Central Committee, which is urgent to ensure the leadership role and successfully achieve the goals of the 13th National Party Congress, to prepare for the Party congresses at all levels moving towards the 14th National Party Congress, to lay a solid foundation to achieve the strategic goals for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic Republic of Việt Nam, now the Socialist Republic of Việt Nam; and at the same time, to define a future vision that elevates Việt Nam to stand alongside powerful nations around the world, contributing to global peace and development.

The election of the General Secretary mid-term was conducted in accordance with the Party's Statutes, the personnel orientation of the Central Committee of the 13th Party National Progress and the Party's regulations on personnel work.

The election is not unprecedented, as the Communist Party of Việt Nam has also elected General Secretaries mid-term previously, such as Trường Chinh and Lê Khả Phiêu.

Lâm also said that the process of preparing and nominating candidates for the General Secretary position was conducted meticulously, in strict adherence to the principles and fully met the standards, positions and procedures as stipulated by the Party.

Lâm said in his speech: "In my capacity as General Secretary, I will work with the Central Committee of the Party, the Politburo, and the Secretariat to strongly uphold and further the glorious traditions and valuable experiences of our Party, to fully promote the spirit of "self-reliance, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, national pride"; to enhance solidarity and unity within the Party and the great national unity among the people; to align thoughts and actions, the Party's will and the people's hearts; to strive to successfully implement the Party's policies and guidelines, especially the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; to dedicate wholeheartedly, strive and sacrifice for the cause of the glorious Communist Party of Việt Nam, for a rich, strong, democratic, just, and civilised Socialist Republic of Việt Nam, where the Vietnamese people live in prosperity and happiness."

Unity is Việt Nam's strength

Answering a question from a VNA reporter on his thoughts after being elected as new Party leader, General Secretary and President Tô Lâm said he was very moved and sincerely thanked the comrades, compatriots and international friends.

Lâm emphasised that being trusted and elected by the Party Central Committee to hold the position of General Secretary of the Party Central Committee, he realises that this is a very great responsibility before the Party and the people, before the resilient and unyielding country with its thousand-year-old cultural history, and before the miraculous achievements that the Party has achieved over the past 94 years.

He will lead the entire Party, military and people to achieve the trust and expectations of the people for the strong development of the country in the future.

"Perhaps there is nothing more important than unity and consensus," he said.

"Unity and consensus are our strength. We are very pleased with the unity and consensus from within the Party, the Politburo and the Central Committee, which have been spread and continued to be promoted and well-developed.

"This is the strength of our Party and country to overcome many difficulties and challenges, to achieve victories and to achieve the goals set by our Party. Surely, the future development of our country will be bright according to the path our Party has laid out."

No exception in anti-corruption

Responding to journalists' questions about the fight against corruption and negativity, General Secretary and President Tô Lâm emphasised that this is something the public has been eagerly anticipating, especially following the anti-corruption campaign initiated by the Party and led by late General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng.

General Secretary and President Tô Lâm affirmed that in the future, the efforts to build and rectify the Party, and the fight against corruption and negativity will continue to be vigorously implemented with the same goals, viewpoints, methods and solutions as before.

In particular, efforts to combat corruption and negativity will be intensified relentlessly, without pause, with no forbidden zones, no exceptions, regardless of who is involved. 

Focus will be on combating corruption and negativity primarily within agencies responsible for anti-corruption. Efforts will be made to eliminate petty corruption through various solutions. Anti-corruption measures will also be expanded beyond the state sector, contributing to cleansing the Party and the state apparatus.

The trust of Party members, the public and the international community in anti-corruption work has garnered consensus and support, building the people's trust in the Party and its members.

International relations continued to be strengthened

Responding to questions about priorities in foreign policy, General Secretary and President Tô Lâm clarified the general line of the Communist Party of Việt Nam, especially the 13th Party National Congress resolution, stating that the foreign policy direction remains unchanged.

He said: "We are continuing to implement this policy effectively. We are very pleased with the high international evaluation. Recently, in my capacity as President, I have received several international delegates visiting Việt Nam to share experiences.

"The reason we have a good foreign policy, successfully implemented, enhancing Việt Nam's prestige and position on the international stage, can be seen as practical experience."

General Secretary Lâm outlined several key points derived from practical experience in conducting foreign policy. Firstly, maintaining independence, self-reliance, and self-strengthening in foreign relations, with national interests being paramount. Việt Nam will not be swayed by international trends.

Secondly, Việt Nam aims to foster friendships worldwide. Through diplomacy and negotiation, the nation aims to build understanding and closeness, sharing mutual benefits.

Thirdly, Việt Nam's successful foreign policy reflects its international responsibility.

"We are committed to global political stability, the world economy, and human civilisation," said the General Secretary.

"We participate in global and regional peace initiatives and responsibly resolve conflicts, consistently promoting a policy of peace and cooperation. The core direction of our foreign policy remains unchanged."

In terms of future foreign policy priorities, General Secretary Lâm affirmed that Việt Nam will continue to strengthen relationships with neighbouring countries, major powers, comprehensive strategic partners, traditional friends and other important partners.

He said: "We will continually enhance political trust, intertwine interests, and solidify comprehensive peaceful and cooperative foreign relations for the highest level of development.

"Additionally, Việt Nam will increase its contributions to maintaining regional and global peace and stability, continue to elevate multilateral diplomacy and enhance its role as an active and responsible member of the international community." VNS
