HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 29 October2020 - Comba Telecom SystemsHoldings Limited ("CombaTelecom" or "the Group", SEHK stock code: 2342), a global leading solutions andservices provider of wireless and information communications systems, announcedthat it has started numerous Open RAN technology validation and trials withleading operators in Europe, MENA, APAC, Australia and more. The Open Radio solutionsprovided by Comba are deploying in large scale trials and will be commercialized inQ1 next year.
OpenRAN technology is becoming a driving force in RAN architecture innovation. Market analystspredict that the Open RAN market will be a $5 billion opportunity by 2025[1]. Being a leading radio solutionprovider and a member of Telecom Infra Project's ("TIP") OpenRAN ProjectGroup, Comba Telecom takes an active part in global Open RAN projects tosupport the development and deployment of Open RAN technologies to meet theincreasing demand for open network architecture.
Givenits in-depth knowledge and experience in radio technologies, Comba Telecom'sR&D team has employed more resources to expand its Open Radio productportfolio and has completed or is actively working with major ORAN DU/CUpartners on its fronthaul eCPRI 8.0 and 7.2 integration tests. The latest OpenRadio product portfolio embraces bands of both high power and low power radios,which will provide customers with a complete solution for all applications suchas rural area or suburban coverage, in-building coverage or capacityimprovement and private network, etc. Recently, Comba Telecom has been named asOpen RAN Radio Unit frontrunner by Vodafone in its request for information("RFI"). Comba scored well in multiple categories, including multi-band RRH("Remote Radio Head"), single-band RRH, energy consumption efficiency, andportfolio breadth[2].This further proves Comba's technical capability and overall competitiveness inradio solutions.
Ms.Annabel Huo, Executive Director, Senior Vice President of the Group andPresident of Comba Telecom International said, "Comba Telecom has beenworking diligently with industry leaders and innovators to bring value foroperators in network modernization. We see the potential in Open RAN architecture,which opens up more opportunity for innovation in network products anddeployments, which in turn will create real value for both operators and endcustomers. We have put great effort into Open RAN radio R&D to provide reliable,highly efficient, and future-proof radio solutions for our customers. We willcontinue to expand our state-of-the-art open radio product portfolio in themarket, as well as to work closely with TIP and global operators like Vodafoneto support global Open RAN development."
Mr.David Hutton, Chief Engineer of TIP said, "Thequality of responses to the Vodafone RFI, including from Comba Telecom, illustrateshow far OpenRAN solutions have come in a short period of time and how theindustry is now well prepared to address an increasing demand for thesesolutions."
For more information about Comba's Open RAN Solution,please visit: https://www.comba-telecom.com/en/openran-solutions.
[1] "Open RAN Market Expected toEclipse $5 B According to Dell'Oro Group", Dell'Oro Group, Sep 01, 2020: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/open-ran-market-expected-to-eclipse-5-b-according-to-delloro-group-301121465.html
[2]"Vodafone IDs OpenRAN radio unit frontrunners", TelecomTV, Ray Le Maistre, Oct 6, 2020, https://www.telecomtv.com/content/open-ran/vodafone-ids-open-ran-radio-unit-frontrunners-39841/
Comba Telecom is a leading global solutions andservices provider of wireless and information communications systems with itsown R&D and manufacturing base, and sales and service teams. The Companyoffers a comprehensive suite of products and services including antennas andbase station subsystems, wireless access, wireless enhancement, and wirelesstransmission to its global customers. Headquartered in Hong Kong, withmanufacturing bases in China and R&D centers in both China and the UnitedStates, Comba Telecom provides wireless communication solutions and informationapplication services to customers in more than 100 countries and regions aroundthe world. Comba Telecom was included in the MSCI Hong Kong Small Cap Index inNovember 2019. Furthermore, the Company was included as aconstituent stock of Hang Seng Composite SmallCap Index, Hang Seng Internet& Information Technology Index and other Hang Seng Family of Indexes, andthe China-Hong Kong Stock Connect under the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect inSeptember 2020. For further information, please visit: www.comba-telecom.com
The Telecom Infra Project(TIP) is a global community of companies and organizations that are drivinginfrastructure solutions to advance global connectivity. Half of the world'spopulation is still not connected to the internet, and for those who are,connectivity is often insufficient. This limits access to the multitude ofconsumer and commercial benefits provided by the internet, thereby impactingGDP growth globally. However, a lack of flexibility in the current solutions -exacerbated by a limited choice in technology providers - makes it challengingfor operators to efficiently build and upgrade networks. Founded in 2016, TIPis a community of diverse members that includes hundreds of companies - fromservice providers and technology partners, to systems integrators and otherconnectivity stakeholders. We are working together to develop, test and deployopen, disaggregated, and standards-based solutions that deliver the highquality connectivity that the world needs - now and in the decades to come.Find out more: www.telecominfraproject.com