SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 25 September,2019 - Indian film actor, and producer Salman Khan has joined other legendary celebritiesat the World's Largest Celebration of Indian Superstars the Ultimate Film Star Experience (UFSE).
Salman is known for his toned physique and passionfor fitness. To celebrate the arrival of Salman's figure, we have collaboratedwith Dance Embassy and invited 30 participants to join a boot camp in MadameTussauds Singapore within the Ultimate Film Star Experience to welcome thearrival of the wax figure. Lavania Hajj from Dance Embassy created a boot camp sessionand challenged people to be as fit asSalman Khan!
"Ireally like the setting of the Ultimate Film Star Experience, it feels likeyou're on a movie set with so many Indian celebrities in one place! And to do aboot camp here today, was really a unique and fun experience. The fact that wecould do this alongside Salman Khan's figure that just arrived in Singaporemade it even more exciting!" said Adeline Low, one of the boot camp participants.
The figure of Salman Khan will be touring,which also means he will only be here for a limited period of time, beforetraveling to other Madame Tussauds across the region.
"It is great to have Salman's figurein Singapore, especially at the Ultimate Film Star Experience. His figure fitsperfectly at the action loaded acting set. Guests can pose next to him and bethe star of the interactive AR experience! We believe he will attract a widerange of audience to Madame Tussauds Singapore." said Alex Ward, GeneralManager of Madame Tussauds Singapore.
The newly launched UFSE spanning2,500 sq ft, brings guests on a journey through the glitz and glamour of Indiancinema culture from the moment they step through the doors and join the world's largest celebration of Indiansuperstars. The unique experience utilises cutting-edge technology like Kinectand AR to give visitors the chance to step into the limelight: https://youtu.be/EmLdC8Vhzq4
Hashtag: #MadameTussaudsSG
MadameTussauds is the ultimate celebrity experience and the world's best known andmost popular wax attraction. There are currently 21 Madame Tussauds attractionsaround the world. Each of theattractions is unique and tailored to the host city and visitor demographic tofeature both local as well as international figures. These attractions arecontinually endorsed by celebrities, sports stars, royalty and globalpoliticians.
Foundedin London in 1835, Madame Tussauds' amazing wax figures are so high quality andso lifelike that even the celebrities themselves do a double take when they seethem -- and all in stunning interactive themed sets designed to excite, amaze,and surprise, including some with unique animated features! And, with no bars,ropes or barriers around the figures, visitors will have no problem believingthat they really are standing beside their heroes and the photographs takenwith favourite stars will be a special memory for ever.
Theresult of 200 years of expertise and painstaking research every figure takesMadame Tussauds' gifted sculptors a minimum of three months to make, and costsmore than $300K (Singapore dollars). Most contemporary figures are alsoproduced following sittings with the celebrities themselves and are the resultof hundreds of separate measurements, hours matching skin tone, eye and haircolour -- with every individual hair inserted separately. Celebrities and filmstudio wardrobe departments often supply clothing for their figures, ordesigners will reproduce significant or iconic outfits as exact replicas, onlyfor Madame Tussauds. Inclusion in one of Madame Tussauds attractions around theworld is seen as a huge honour and recognition of an individual's contribution,status and achievement.
MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS plc is the leading name inlocation-based, family entertainment. Europe's Number 1 and the world'ssecond-largest visitor attraction operator, Merlin now operates more than 110attractions, hotels and holiday villages in 23 countries and across 4continents. The company aims to deliver memorable and rewarding experiences toits almost 63 million visitors worldwide, through its iconic global and localbrands, and the commitment and passion of its managers and 26,000 employees(peak season).
Merlin currently has different brands in Asiaincluding Madame Tussauds, LEGOLAND Parks and Resorts, Sealife and LEGOLANDDiscovery Centre Visit https://www.merlinentertainments.biz/for more information.