HONG KONG,CHINA - Media OutReach - 9thMay 2019 - The Instituteof Shopping Centre Management (ISCM) 15th Anniversary Annual Dinner was successfully held on 26 April at the JWMarriott Hong Kong with over 500 guests in attendance. Among the professional guestsincluded Mr. CHAN Fan, Frank JP, Secretaryfor Transport and Housing; Mr. YING Yiu Hong, Stanley, JP, Permanent Secretary for Transportation& Housing (Housing) and Director of Housing; Mr. WONG Chi Cho, Joe, JP, Commissioner for Tourism; Dr. Jimmy Chiang, ActingDirector-General of Investment Promotion of Invest Hong Kong, various distinguishedindustry professionals, scholars and retailers.
The annual dinner event reflectsthe institute's long-term vision with the theme "Shopping Malls -- The Heart of Smart Cities", a consciousreflection of the growing connectivity and evolving technologies which make ourcities and shopping experiences smarter and better for all. Hong Kong is oftenrecognised as Asia's "shopping paradise", and shopping centres remain at theheart and soul of the Greater Bay Area's economy and people's daily lives. Thatsaid, ISCM believes the industry and its leaders must remain focused on improvingindustry standards, cultivating international perspectives and embracinginnovation to ensure the city's shopping malls remain at the core of localsmart city development.
Super Connector in Asia
Mr. Baldwin KO, Chairman ofISCM said: "Over the past 15 years, theISCM always value a consistent conviction: enhancing the professional level ofshopping centre management, and strengthening trusted connections among industrypeers. In future, we will also strive to build on this by encouragingintegration with professionals across the Greater Bay Area, Asia, and more aswe continue planning study tours and seminars for our members to broaden theirhorizons."
Fulfil Corporate Social Responsibility
ISCM has been taken Corporate SocialResponsibility initiatives seriously by organizing different charity activitiesin order to make contribution to society. Since the institute's first charity auction in 2013,the event has grown into a huge calendar spectacle which has been organised forseven consecutive years. ISCM has been raising funds every year for importantcauses such as St. James' Settlement, Sheng Kung Hui St. Christopher's Home andthe Fu Hong Society. As part of this year event celebrations, in addition to a charity tender,ISCM committee members have prepared homemade the pineapple tarts for charity sale,resulting in a total of HK$180,000 to be donated to the HongKong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited charity to bring love and hopeto the community.
Cultivate the Industry's Future
In addition to charitycontributions, ISCM has also introduced the Scholarship Award this year to supportand award outstanding university students majoring in shopping mall management-relateddisciplines. This year, our honourable members Dr. Roger Chan and Professor LeoSin Yat-ming were invited to present the scholarship to distinguished studentsfrom The Chinese University of Hong Kong,The Hong Kong polytechnicUniversity, The University of Hong Kong and HKU SPACE. The awarded studentswere also invited to join the dinner to integrate with professionals in thefield so they can gain a deeper understanding about the industry.
More photos of ISCM 15thAnniversary Annual Dinner:
https://www.bdcshk.com/webcontent/ISCM/ISCM15th Anniversary Annual Dinner Photos.zip
The Institute of Shopping Centre Management (ISCM) non-profit making organization founded by agroup of local shopping centre professionals, certified practitioners andprofessors in the shopping centre management industry in 2003. ISCM's mission is to identify various prospectivechannels with government bodies, thereby creating a platform for exchange ofbest practices in the art and science of shopping centre management within theAsia Pacific region.
For more information, you can visit https://www.iscm.org.hk/