KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach - 14thAUG, 2018 - InNet.Asia officially opens "The Next2018" for registration. InNet.Asia-- who is the main organizer, In collaborationwith AAOI (Asia Association of Influencers) and Blossomly Global, launched thefirst ever Influencer contest in Malaysia with a bang here at Zouk Kuala Lumpur.
Meant to develop professional influencers like bloggers, YouTubers, andother social media influencers, "The Next 2018" is a multi-disciplineinfluencer cultivation initative that is open to members of the public thataspire to become the next big Influencer.
The grand launch ceremony held in the Zouk, saw the attendance ofseveral prominent influencers like May Ho, Jestina Kuan, Elizabeth Wa, Bernard Kwo, Qui Wen,Yifeis, Qi En, Qi Hui and many more.
Emceed by renownedhost of the Mandarin hit show "Deal or Not Deal"--Goh Wee Peng, "The Next2018's " Grand Launching had everyone having fun, and saw brilliantperformances from FXN, LegoS and SkyDance, which had everyone at the venuewanting more.
"The Next 2018"registration is officially open until the 26th of August 2018, andcalls upon Malaysians from all walks of life, regardless of gender, between theages of 18-35 years, that aspire to be an Influencer. Only 100 potentialparticipants will be shortlisted, and will be required to go through a formalaudition on the 28th of August 2018, where a panel of judges and supportingpartners will shortlist 25 of the best candidates to join The Next 2018campaign.
During thesecampaigns, finalists will each run their own individual campaigns for 40 daysand rise to stardom. During the course of these campaigns, there will beworkshops in where finalists will learn the basic how-tos of being aninfluencer, and learn the industry-- which includes exclusive trade secrets inself grooming, photography, social profile management, video production andcontent creation.
Throughout thetraining, they will be awarded points by the panel of judges based on thequality of their performance. At the end of the campaign, candidates with thehighest scores will be named 'The Next Influencer'.
The first runner upwill become the next ambassador/ social media influencer of selected brand fora year, while finalists will stand a chance to be the social media influencerof choice for supporting partners that take an interest in them. The grandfinale will be held at the Blue Atrium here at Sunway Pyramid on the 21stOctober 2018.
The Next 2018 wasmade possible thanks to the supportive partnership and sponsorship of Sujimi,AirAsia, Travel360.com, Canon, SBS, Creative Hive, Zouk, Eu Yan Seng, Nulnu, ACut Above, Aveda, Sasa and several more others.
In addition, the amazingsupport role by our on/offline media partners such as Feminine, Goody25,OhMyNews, 2 cents, AFO Radio, 88Razzi and 988 Radio also contributed greatly intheir role to the success of the event.
Those interested injoining "The Next 2018" and those who want to know more may head on over to www.thenext2018.comfor more information.
Date: 04 August 2018, Saturday
Time: 6pm -- 9pm
Venue: Zouk Kuala Lumpur