Einvestment Fund: "COVID-19 Vaccine-Driven Stocks Surge as Vaccine Developers Approach The Final Stage of Testing"

October 13, 2020 - 10:03
Einvestment Fund: "COVID-19 Vaccine-Driven Stocks Surge as Vaccine Developers Approach The Final Stage of Testing"

LISBON, PORTUGAL - Media OutReach - 13 October 2020 -  Einvestment Fund has reported thecontinued growth of COVID-19 vaccine-driven stocks. This occurred after the leading global biotech firms havefinally come to the start of crucial late-stage trials of their experimentalcoronavirus vaccine. 

The pharmaceuticalsector offers tremendous investment opportunities. Today it is thesecond-largest segment of the US stock market by capitalization - about $ 4trillion, analysts at Einvestment say. Recently, the health problem's urgencyhas significantly increased -- the pandemics such as COVID-19, the growth ofoncological and hereditary diseases, diabetes, obesity, etc. are creating evermore significant threats to humanity.

This growth is reflectedin an increase in stocks' value, offering investors exceptional opportunitiesfor long-term capital appreciation. Once the long-awaited coronavirus vaccineis in place, and the world begins to return to normal, monetary authorities maychange attitudes towards economic incentives. As for today's situation atEinvestment, the average gain of three vaccine-sensitivepositions in the investment portfolio exceeded92% since June 2020when the fund managers entered the vaccine rally.

Pfizer and Modernaofficials stated they should know before December whether their vaccines aresafe and effective. Still, the WHO and global government officials do notexpect any serum to be commercially accessible until next year.

The HealthCare sector's share of positions in the fundportfolio now exceeds 8%. In the words ofManaging Director, Peter Derksen: "Wehold significant share of Health Care positions in the investment portfolio,and in early June of this year we allocated 2.8% of AUM to Biotech companies engagedin vaccine development"Biotech, aswell as the AI & Robotics sector, lead the "Top Gainers of 2020" list in the fund's portfolio as ofQ4 2020. 

Einvestment's technology-driven approach istailored to continue improving fund'sperformance and accelerating the market value growth of assets under management. Before allocating the funds to any assets, Einvestment experts initiatean in-depth research process to develop a transparent framework of risks, opportunities,goals, and deadlines. The fund's segregated investment portfolios areloaded with the appropriate mix of assets to ensure exposure to trendingsectors and most promising assets.
