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Fulum Group Holdings Limited, a well-known diversified catering group in Hong Kong, has more than 30 years of experience in Chinese or Cantonese catering management. Through the "Fulum(富臨)" main brand, the "Sportful Garden (陶源)" main brand and the "Concept Line (概念線)" main line, the Group provides all kinds of catering services and create a full-time catering eco-system with an aim to meet the catering needs of diners.
As at 30 September 2022, the Group operated a total of 96 restaurants in Hong Kong, including 16 restaurants under the "Fulum (富臨)" main brand, 7 restaurants under the "Sportful Garden (陶源)" main brand, 73 restaurants under the "Concept Line (概念線)" main line as well as 7 supermarkets and 3 restaurants in the Mainland China. In the recent years, the Group has launched diversified restaurants including Korean light meal restaurants, Korean barbecue restaurants, Japanese hot pot, stylish Korean and Japanese cafe and food courts. The Group established a number of food court brands to expand its revenue and market share with new business model for the recent years.